Over time, pipe tubing can become corroded, rust or seriously decay. Leaks are inevitable, but all-out flooding can certainly be avoided with routine maintenance. A flood of water or raw sewage in your home can cost thousands of dollars in damage to your home or office and your belongings.
If your house is more than 35 years old, make it a routine to look at all exposed piping in your crawlspaces and utility rooms for signs of trouble. Indications of tubing corrosion include discoloration, staining, dimpling, pimpling and/or flaking - if you find irregularities, call Terry’s Plumbing immediately for a professional inspection. Keep an eye out for leaks too. These may be signs that it’s time for a whole-house pipe replacement. After all, if one series of pipes needs replacing, the others won’t be far behind; the original pipes in your home are the same vintage, made of the same material and have been subjected to the same water supply and usage patterns as the ones that are currently failing. Look at the water color; if it looks brown or yellow, what you’re seeing is rust, a sign of decay inside the pipes.
Underhome Excavation
Even years of normal use wreck havoc on waste lines. Corrosion deposits can adhere to the inner walls of the pipe. Just 25 years can take over 25% of piping. Then, every flush brings more debris that slows and becomes trapped. This can cause toliet overflow. It is important to get lines checked before disaster strikes. While no one really wants to see the inside of their home’s sewer line, it is sometimes imperative for plumbers to be fully aware of the condition of these pipes. Roots, collapses, breaks, and bellies can cause catastrophic damage to sewer line function and condition. You probably won’t even be aware of any existing issues until your home’s drains begin to slow, and eventually back up completely. After you’ve called Terry’s Plumbing to clear your lines, we will camera your sewer line at an additional charge.
This is because we consider this process to be a necessary step in the maintenance of your sewer system. Our sewer camera equipment offers the latest technology in the field, being digital and full-color, and offering long range inspection and location possibilities. Call Terry’s plumbing today to set up your appointment for one of our technicians to come to your home.
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Replace Waste Lines
Although a reputable plumber can clear your drain lines, a video camera inspection may sometimes be required to determine if you need to get your waste-lines replaced. Many factors can go into the topic of whether a waste lines needs to be replaced or not. Think of repair versus replace as a sliding scale of investment for your line. If the waste-line to your home is more than 10 years old, there may be a slight offset in the line and no other problems; maybe a spot repair is more cost-effective than a pipe bursting. On the other hand, if your home was built in the 1950s and there are several offsets, including root intrusion, then a full replacement of the system is the best course of action.
Replace Exposed Pipes
For a home with plaster walls, wood panelings, or other features that make it difficult to gain access to in-wall pipes, consider replacing visible pipes. Replacing exposed pipes in a crawlspace, or utility room is fairly straightforward, because the plumber can easily get at the pipes. And depending on the configuration of your house, the plumber may be able to access the vast majority of your system this way.
Replace With Renovation
Whenever you remodel a portion of your house, it’s recommended to inspect – and if need be, replace – any plumbing lines that are exposed when opening up the walls and floors. Not only should this include the plumbing in the renovated kitchen or bathroom, but also any pipes passing through the walls to feed upstairs bathrooms.

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